Open Access Article
Modern Social Science Research. 2024; 4: (3) ; 12-17 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.ssr.20241003.
On Categories: Comparative Study of Categories in Chinese and Western Philosophy
孙景强 *
汉江师范学院 湖北十堰
孙景强,单位:汉江师范学院 湖北十堰;
发布时间: 2024-11-26 总浏览量: 377
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关键词: 范畴;异同;认知
This paper delves into the distinct "categories" in Chinese and Western philosophy through a comparative research approach, providing a detailed analysis of their differences and similarities in meaning and application. It begins by outlining the basic concepts and characteristics of philosophical categories in both Chinese and Western contexts, noting that Chinese philosophical categories focus on the high-level generalization of the essential attributes and common features of things, whereas Western philosophical categories emphasize logical and rational analysis of phenomena. Subsequently, the paper uncovers the uniqueness and diversity in categorizing and understanding the world between Chinese and Western philosophical categories through an in-depth exploration of the "Nine Categories of the Hongfan" and Aristotle's ten fundamental philosophical categories. Furthermore, the paper discusses the different interpretations and applications of categories by various schools of thought in both Chinese and Western philosophy. Ultimately, the paper summarizes the findings of the comparative research, aiming to facilitate cross-cultural philosophical dialogue and understanding, and to promote innovation and development in philosophical thought.
Key words: Categories; Similarities and differences; Cognition of things
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