



Open Access Article

Modern Social Science Research. 2024; 4: (3) ; 25-29 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.ssr.20240035.

Exploring Intelligent Teaching Path of Curriculum Ideological and Political Education in Business English under the Background of Artificial Intelligence

作者: 任青 *

广州商学院 广东广州

*通讯作者: 任青,单位:广州商学院 广东广州;

发布时间: 2024-11-16 总浏览量: 189



关键词: 人工智能;教育数字化;课程思政;商务英语;教学路径


The development of artificial intelligence technology has made a profound impact on educational reform and it also helps promote the in-depth development of digital education. In the era of the fast development of artificial intelligence technology, ideological and political teaching of business English courses in colleges and universities should continuously meet the new challenges brought by education digitization and teachers should also try their best to overcome the current problems and bottlenecks in the ideological and political teaching of business English. By using media technology, big data, generative artificial intelligence, virtual reality technologies, this study aims to explore the new intelligent teaching paths under the digitized education. It is found that by establishing intelligent teaching environment, using intelligent teaching methods and means, forming an intelligent and collaborative community for the construction of ideological and political resources, enhancing teachers’ ideological and political teaching abilities and digital literacy through smart teaching and research, assisting students in improving their autonomous learning abilities through human-computer interaction, and building a multi-dimensional, interactive, and intelligent teaching evaluation system, we can form a new ecology of business English ideological and political education under the background of artificial intelligence. It is hoped that this study can help explore a new route of digital transformation in ideological and political education in business English.

Key words: Artificial Intelligence; Education Digitization; Curriculum Ideological and Political Education; Business English; Teaching Path

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