



Open Access Article

Modern Social Science Research. 2024; 4: (3) ; 73-77 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.ssr.20240044.

Study on the English translation of subway public signs in Nanchang from the perspective of eco-translatology

作者: 刘庆雪 *, 杨文慧

华东交通大学外国语学院 江西南昌

*通讯作者: 刘庆雪,单位:华东交通大学外国语学院 江西南昌;

发布时间: 2024-12-25 总浏览量: 100



关键词: 生态翻译学;公共交通公示语;南昌市地铁一、四号线;英译策略


In today's densely populated and culturally diverse cities, the translation of public transportation signs is particularly important. Appropriately translated signs play a clear role in guiding and informing for international communication and navigation, and are crucial for the development of global cities. To enhance the idiomaticity and appropriateness of the Chinese-English translation of public transportation signs, this study empirically examines the English translation of public signs on Metro Line 1 and Line 4 in Nanchang under the guidance of eco-translatology theory and analyzes the strengths and weaknesses, categorizes the causes of translation errors, discusses Chinese-English translation strategies from three dimensions—language, culture and communication, and proposes corresponding strategies for improvement measures to enhance the translation quality of public transportation signs and improve Nanchang's external urban image. Since public transportation signs serve a vocative function and convey strong communicative intent, the translation should consider the cultural nuances of the target language and make judicious selections regarding the cultural connotations they encompass and at the same time attention should be paid to its communication effect.

Key words: Eco-Translatology; Public Transport Signs; Nanchang Metro Lines 1 and 4;Chinese-English Translation: Translation Strategy

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刘庆雪, 杨文慧, 生态翻译学视角下南昌市地铁公示语翻译研究[J]. 现代社会科学研究, 2024; 4: (3) : 73-77.