关键词: 国家形象;对外传播;翻译传播学;能源舆情
Against the backdrop of globalization and the rapid development of information and communication technologies, the construction and dissemination of a country's image has changed beyond traditional boundaries, which become a central issue in international cultural exchanges and international relations. Countries are actively applying diversified strategies to present their unique images, but this process of image building is not only an internal affair of the country, but is also influenced by the perspectives of multiple “others”. Therefore, it is of great practical significance to delve into the shaping of national image, which can help the media to seize the initiative and speak out actively in order to build a real, three-dimensional and comprehensive national image. This study analyzes the foreign media's reports on China-related energy public opinion from the perspective of translation and communication through the literature research method and case study analysis, deeply discusses the construction of China's national image in the context of energy public opinion, compares the characteristics of the different national subjects in shaping China's national image, reveals the challenges faced by China in shaping its national image, and digs out the reasons behind them, so as to explore the feasible path to enhance China's image and to strengthen the international community's understanding of China's role in the world economy. At the same time, it will provide new theoretical perspectives and practical guidance for international communication and translation students in their translation and communication practice.
Key words: National image; International communication; The study of translation and communication; Energy public opinion
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