关键词: 《摩罗诗力说》;鲁迅;主体性;浪漫主义
Moro's Poetic Power is an important poetic essay of Lu Xun in his early period. In this article, Lu Xun, with the desire to revolutionize China, introduces the European Romantic poets whom he considers to have the "spirit of Moro" with the vision of embodied subjectivity, reflecting his self-conscious construction of the revolutionary discourse of Romanticism and his breaking of the old and setting up of the new in terms of aesthetic culture. The subjectivity of this Romantic theoretical construction is reflected in other texts from his stay in Japan, as well as in his recognition of the heterogeneity of Chinese and Western civilizations through the encounter between Japan and the modern West. Although Lu Xun's construction of Romantic poetic theory has its historical limitations, it is still an important inspiration for us to understand the modernity of Chinese culture and the relationship between Chinese tradition and Western civilization in cultural exchanges today.
Key words: Moro's Poetical Power; Lu Xun; Subjectivity; Romanticism
参考文献 References
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