关键词: 《西域图记》;裴矩;询译;西域策略
Pei Ju was a famous politician and geologist in the Sui Dynasty. He collected a lot of information about the Western Regions by “inquiry and translation” and wrote Maps and Notes of the Western Regions, which set the basis for the administration of the Sui Dynasty in the Western Regions. By virtue of his knowledge of the Western Regions, Pei Ju played a very important role in the Sui Dynasty’s strategies of the Western Regions as inviting the merchants and inducing the states in the Western Regions, striking the state of Tuguhun and splitting up the Tujue League. All these made the Silk Road reset and the border invasions solved.
Key words: Maps and Notes of the Western Regions; Pei Ju, inquiry and translation; The strategies of the Western Regions
参考文献 References
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