Open Access Article
Modern Social Science Research. 2024; 4: (3) ; 161-164 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.ssr.20240061.
Study on administrative public interest litigation of environmental protection in traditional villages in Guizhou
阳富林 *
贵州财经大学法学院 贵州贵阳
阳富林,单位:贵州财经大学法学院 贵州贵阳;
发布时间: 2024-12-25 总浏览量: 80
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关键词: 行政管理职责;传统村落保护;行政公益诉讼
As the carrier of agricultural civilization, traditional villages carry rich historical, cultural and cultural landscapes. Guizhou Province ranks the top in the number of traditional villages. As part of traditional villages, historical buildings, cultural landscapes, natural ecological environment and other environmental elements in traditional villages need to be protected by all parties. As a means of protection, administrative public interest litigation can effectively exert the supervision role of the people's Procuratorate. In recent years, Guizhou has achieved many "firsts" in the protection of traditional villages, handled the first administrative public interest lawsuit on the protection of traditional villages in China, issued the first judicial protection order for traditional villages, and made initial achievements in strengthening the environmental protection of traditional villages. However, due to the short time for the special protection work of traditional villages and strong professional requirements, the traditional administrative protection mode cannot meet the needs of environmental protection of traditional villages, and it faces many constraints in practical operation. This paper intends to analyze the existing legal protection mode of traditional villages in Guizhou province, take public interest litigation as the starting point, analyze the problems reflected behind it, and propose corresponding optimization measures for the linkage practice of administrative management and judicial protection, so as to improve the legal service system and guarantee system for the contribution of traditional village environment protection under the new era background and requirements.
Key words: Administrative responsibility; Traditional village protection; Administrative public interest litigation
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