



Open Access Article

Modern Social Science Research. 2024; 4: (3) ; 171-175 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.ssr.20240063.

Translation of Chinese-characteristic vocabulary from the perspective of translation semiotics—the value to translation and teaching

作者: 付雷雷 *, 李志远

东北电力大学外国语学院 吉林吉林

*通讯作者: 付雷雷,单位:东北电力大学外国语学院 吉林吉林;

发布时间: 2024-12-25 总浏览量: 90



关键词: 翻译符号学;中国特色语汇翻译;符号转换


The high-quality translation of Chinese-characteristic vocabulary is of paramount importance for the international dissemination of Chinese culture and the building of the country's image. This study delves into the translation methods of Chinese-characteristic vocabulary in the Government Work Report of the State Council under the framework of translation semiotics. It is found that the main translation techniques adopted in translating such vocabulary over the years have primarily been literal translation and free translation, supplemented by explanatory translation. As a unique linguistic symbol, Chinese-characteristic vocabulary often exhibits diverse symbolic meanings at different levels. Consequently, the translation process necessitates an in-depth deconstruction and reconstruction of the symbolic system, along with the involvement of symbolic transformation. By analyzing the translation of Chinese-characteristic vocabulary from the perspective of translation semiotics and applying translation semiotics to its translation practice, it not only aids translators in understanding the hierarchical structure and symbolic meaning of the source language, but also ensures the accurate communication of China's core values. Additionally, it contributes to the improvement of China's dialogue discourse system, providing a mechanism for equal cultural exchanges and opening up a new research perspective for the external publicity translation work in the new era.

Key words: Translation semiotics; Translation of Chinese-characteristic vocabulary; Symbolic conversion

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