Open Access Article
Modern Social Science Research. 2024; 4: (3) ; 236-239 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.ssr.20240076.
Strategies for the overseas dissemaniation of Wudang culture
曹小琳 *
湖北汽车工业学院外国语学院 湖北十堰
曹小琳,单位:湖北汽车工业学院外国语学院 湖北十堰;
发布时间: 2024-12-25 总浏览量: 106
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关键词: 武当文化;海外推广;文化传播
In today's world, the exchanges between countries in the fields of economy and culture are increasingly frequent, and the system between China and the world is also increasingly close. As an important part of China's excellent traditional culture, Wudang culture covers many aspects, including Taoism culture and martial arts culture. Spreading Wudang culture overseas is a kind of inheritance of traditional culture, which can better protect cultural heritage, make it more widely recognized and respected globally, and at the same time promote cultural exchanges and enhance international influence. We will further promote the development of tourism. This thesis aims to study the communication strategy of Wudang culture overseas. By combing the formation and development of Wudang culture, it reveals the difficulties and challenges of Wudang culture spreading abroad. On the other hand, in-depth analysis of the current external publicity Wudang culture communication strategy, to explore effective promotion and communication strategies. Wudang culture is a treasure of excellent traditional Chinese culture. The study on the overseas communication strategy of Wudang culture will find a better way to publicize Wudang culture and provide new ideas for the development of tourism in Shiyan.
Key words: Wudang culture; Overseas publicity; Cultural dissemination
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