Open Access Article
Modern Social Science Research. 2024; 4: (3) ; 240-243 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.ssr.20240077.
A preliminary study on the impact of the great adjustment of departments in the 1950s on the discipline construction of higher education institutions
李凯 *,
湖北文理学院 湖北襄阳
李凯,单位:湖北文理学院 湖北襄阳;
发布时间: 2024-12-25 总浏览量: 115
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关键词: 高等教育;院系调整;学科建设
The wide scope and significant impact of the major adjustments in departments in the 1950s were unprecedented in the history of education in China. It not only fundamentally changed the educational landscape in our country, but also had a profound impact on the later discipline construction in our country. Starting from the major adjustment of departments, focusing on the construction of disciplines, we need to reorganize the context of the major adjustment of departments, summarize and analyze the process of the major adjustment of departments, and form a comprehensive process container, which is conducive to the overall grasp of the major adjustment of departments. An objective and comprehensive view of the major adjustment of departments, especially the impact it has on the construction of higher education disciplines in China, is beneficial for the current and future development and reform of higher education construction in China. After decades of major departmental adjustments, its advantages and disadvantages have been revealed one by one, providing a solid foundation and valuable experience for China's subsequent higher education reform.
Key words: Higher education; Faculty adjustment; Discipline construction
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