弗里德里希·施莱格尔(Friedrich Schlegel, 1772-1829)是德国早期浪漫派的中心人物,他为浪漫派提出并制定了最重要的哲学美学纲领和文学主张,影响了早期浪漫派的文学创作,其影响力超越德国而至整个欧洲浪漫主义思潮。施莱格尔的浪漫主义美学观一方面吸收了德国古典美学的精髓,另一方面反思古典主义,通过批判和超越古典主义的限制为浪漫主义的发展提供了理论基础。施莱格尔对哥特式建筑的美学思考是其浪漫主义艺术观的重要组成部分,显示出他对中世纪艺术与建筑的深刻理解与理论创新。通过对哥特式建筑的研究,他探讨了浪漫主义美学的核心观念,并将建筑的多样性、复杂性和超验性同文化认同相联结,发挥其在构建民族文化中的作用。
关键词: 施莱格尔;浪漫主义;美学观;建筑观;文化认同
Friedrich Schlegel (1772-1829) played a pivotal role in early German Romanticism by formulating key philosophical, aesthetic, and literary tenets that influenced not only German Romanticism but also the broader European Romantic movement. Schlegel’s Romantic aesthetics, drawing from German classical aesthetics, critiqued and surpassed classicism, providing a theoretical foundation for Romanticism. His examination of Gothic architecture within his Romantic artistic perspective showcases his profound grasp and theoretical innovation in medieval art and architecture. Through his analysis of Gothic architecture, Schlegel delved into core Romantic aesthetic principles, connecting the diversity, complexity, and transcendence of architecture with cultural identity to play a vital role in the formation of national culture.
Key words: Schlegel; Romanticism; Aesthetic view; Architectural view; Cultural identity
参考文献 References
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