



Open Access Article

Modern Social Science Research. 2024; 4: (3) ; 261-265 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.ssr.20240082.

Strategies for constructing"first-class"curriculum system for English majors in local undergraduate colleges in the age of digital intelligence

作者: 何孟奇, 赵杨 *

湖南人文科技学院 湖南娄底

*通讯作者: 赵杨,单位:湖南人文科技学院 湖南娄底;

发布时间: 2024-12-25 总浏览量: 61



关键词: 数智时代;英语专业;课程体系;英语教学


In the era of digital intelligence, how to follow the pace of the times, rooted in the actual teaching soil of local undergraduate colleges and universities, and how to build a "first-class" curriculum system for English majors in local undergraduate colleges and universities is a question of education, innovation, and even more so, a question of the times. In this paper, starting from the educational changes in the context of the digital age, the development status of English majors in local undergraduate colleges and the necessity and urgency of constructing a "first-class" curriculum system, we discuss the theoretical basis, strategy, implementation path, challenges and challenges of constructing a"first-class" curriculum system of English majors in local undergraduate colleges and universities in the digital age, and then we discuss how to build a "first-class" curriculum system. In this paper, the theoretical basis, strategy, implementation path, and challenges and countermeasures of constructing a “first-class” curriculum system for English majors in local undergraduate colleges in the era of digital intelligence are systematically explained. Based on language learning theory, instructional design theory, and educational technology theory; coupled with the five strategies of clarifying curriculum objectives, optimising curriculum structure, innovating teaching methods, updating teaching tools, perfecting the evaluation system, strengthening resource construction; and making efforts in terms of policy support and guarantee, teacher team construction, teaching reform and practice, and school-enterprise cooperation and exchange; we will continue to eliminate the drawbacks of the mechanisms of technology application, resource development, evaluation system, teacher training implementation path, and the implementation mechanism of the curriculum system.

Key words: Digital intelligence era; English major; Curriculum system; English language teaching

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