



Open Access Article

Modern Social Science Research. 2024; 4: (3) ; 284-288 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.ssr.20240086.

The construction path of the integration system of language services industry and education in Hainan free trade port from the perspective of stakeholders

作者: 程海东1 *, 杨雅恬2

1 三亚学院俄语中心 海南三亚

2 三亚学院管理学院 海南三亚

*通讯作者: 程海东,单位: 三亚学院俄语中心 海南三亚;

发布时间: 2024-12-25 总浏览量: 120



关键词: 利益相关者;海南自贸港;语言服务;产教融合;协同体系


Language service has a distinctive practical character, and has the internal consistency of "two-way running" with the current implementation strategy of industry-education integration in the country and universities. This paper focuses on the construction of the integration system of language service industry and education in Hainan Free Trade Port, examines the interaction between stakeholders in the language service market in Hainan Free Trade Port and the conflict of interests of each subject from the perspective of stakeholder theory, and proposes solutions, in order to construct a language service integration mechanism for the coordinated development of all parties.

Key words: Stakeholders; Hainan free trade port; Language services; Integration of industry and education; Collaborative system

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