Open Access Article
Modern Social Science Research. 2024; 4: (3) ; 293-297 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.ssr.20240088.
A tentative exploration of undergraduate graduation thesis innovation under the background of new liberal arts: a case study of Business English major
王潇 *
山东农业工程学院 山东济南
王潇,单位:山东农业工程学院 山东济南;
发布时间: 2024-12-25 总浏览量: 115
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关键词: 新文科;商务英语;本科毕业论文;多元化改革
The undergraduate graduation thesis is a crucial component of talent cultivation in universities and also serves as one of the important evaluation criteria for assessing the quality of talent cultivation. However, the current quality of undergraduate graduation theses is alarming, especially in liberal arts majors, where issues such as outdated topics, weak theoretical foundations, and lack of innovative contributions are prevalent. These problems do not meet the requirements of new liberal arts development and urgently need reform. As an interdisciplinary major combining “language + business,” Business English has typical characteristics of a new liberal arts major, but its graduation theses also face issues such as uniformity in form, lack of originality and innovation, low practical application value, and outdated and rigid evaluation standards. To address these problems, this paper proposes reform ideas for diversification in thesis formats, topic selection sources, guidance team composition, and evaluation systems, along with specific reform measures. These measures aim to break the shackles of traditional thesis models, stimulate students’ innovative thinking and practical abilities, and enhance the quality and standard of graduation theses. The diversification reform of Business English graduation theses is conducive to the construction and development of the major, as well as the improvement of talent cultivation quality. It can also provide experience and paradigms for liberal arts majors to carry out graduation thesis reforms, effectively promoting the construction of new liberal arts.
Key words: New liberal arts; Business English; Undergraduate graduation thesis; Diversification reform
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