



Open Access Article

Modern Social Science Research. 2024; 4: (3) ; 298-302 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.ssr.20240089.

Using industry and academia to support the beauty of Nixing pottery ethnic craftsmanship——Taking Chen Zhiyong Studio as an example

作者: 黄明均, 韦叶雯, 刘小凤, 潘忠润, 侯潇玲, 罗文涛 *

广西民族师范学院 广西崇左

*通讯作者: 罗文涛,单位:广西民族师范学院 广西崇左;

发布时间: 2024-12-25 总浏览量: 138



关键词: 坭兴陶;产学结合;工作室


The rich cultural resources in Guangxi provide a vast creative space for the design of Nixing pottery products. As a unique ethnic craft, Nixing pottery not only carries profound cultural heritage and historical inheritance, but also faces severe challenges in the process of modernization. This article takes Chen Zhiyong's studio as an example to explore how to promote the vigorous development of Nixing pottery in artistic creation and market promotion through the combination of industry and academia. This project emphasizes cooperation with universities, attracts more students to participate in the creation of Nixing pottery through competitions, launches a series of cultural products, actively integrates modern elements, cultivates professional talents, and promotes the sustainable development of Nixing pottery in the modern market.

Key words: Nixing pottery; Integration of industry and academia; Studio

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