



Open Access Article

Modern Social Science Research. 2024; 4: (3) ; 307-311 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.ssr.20240091.

Chinese sentence pattern characteristics from the perspective of the differences between Chinese and western thinking modes

作者: 张人 *

深圳职业技术大学商务外语学院 广东深圳

*通讯作者: 张人,单位:深圳职业技术大学商务外语学院 广东深圳;

发布时间: 2024-12-25 总浏览量: 87



关键词: 思维方式、句式


The differences in production modes and language forms lead to the grant difference between Chinese and western thinking mode. Chinese traditional thinking modes impose importance upon the image thinking and holistic thinking, while the western thinking modes upon logical and abstract thinking. The thinking modes difference make Chinese sentence patterns possess their own characteristics which are far apart from those of western languages, i.e. (1) Chinese sentences simulate the scene instead of the explicit logic. (2) the subjects in Chinese sentences are often missed or transferred. (3) Chinese sentences simulate the implicit recognition schemes. With sober awareness of the difference between Chinese and western sentence patterns, we can rightly use these languages and effectively avoid the translationese which has polluted Chinese. Moreover, the study of the sentence pattern differences can offer some implication to the study of the evolution of language.

Key words: Thinking mode; Sentence pattern

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张人, 从中西思维差异看中文句式特征[J]. 现代社会科学研究, 2024; 4: (3) : 307-311.