



Open Access Article

Modern Social Science Research. 2022; 2: (1) ; 58-63 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.ssr.20220012.

Research on the protection and development of ancient castle-style traditional villages in southeastern Shanxi——Taking Xiang Yu Village in Jin Cheng City as an example

作者: 王洁 *

山西农业大学公共管理学院 山西太谷

*通讯作者: 王洁,单位:山西农业大学公共管理学院 山西太谷;

发布时间: 2022-04-15 总浏览量: 871



关键词: 传统村落;古堡式;保护发展;湘峪村


The ancient castle-style traditional village is a unique product created by natural and human factors in the southeastern Shanxi region. It carries the rich history and culture of the Qin He River Basin and has a high protection value. However, due to the uniqueness of its historical buildings and the complexity of multicultural integration, there are many problems in its protection and development, and it is particularly urgent to seek scientific and reasonable protection strategies. The article selects Xiang Yu Village, a typical representative of ancient castle-style villages, as the research object, and sorts out and analyzes the problems existing in the protection and development of Xiang Yu Village through on-the-spot investigation and review of documents and news. The study found that in the protection and development of Xiang Yu Village, there are problems such as weak villagers' awareness of protection, poor continuity of village culture, shortage of development funds, and disappearance of regional characteristics of the village. On the basis of fully analyzing the characteristics of the villages, strategies such as strengthening the villagers' awareness of protection, implementing the "integration + activation" protection model, strengthening the development of multiple industries in the villages, and creating a local cultural name card for the village are put forward, in order to protect and protect the traditional castle-style villages. Development provides reference and reference.

Key words: raditional Village; Ancient Castle Style; Protection And Development; Xiang Yu Village

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